Map Projection


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Using Noobeed to transform map projection and geographic coordinates back and forth are just one command away in the interactive mode.  If writing a program, Noobeed can almost handle any type and format of data for any number of points.  From time to time, the function "deg" and "dms" are found very handy when dealing with non-decimal degree angles.

Not only Noobeed can transform coordinates between geographic and map projection system, it can also transform coordinates between different map projections and different geodetic datum by using just one single command.  Thank to the designing of the Projection class that an Ellipsoid object is always embedded in a Projection object.

Suppose a point in New Mexico, having a state plane coordinate of

  • X = 531407.353 and Y = 139269.107, is going to be converted to geographic coordinate. 
  • The state plane coordinate is a Transverse Mercator (TM) projection, with an origin at latitude 31 N degree and longitude 106 W degree, and a scale factor at central meridian of 0.9999.  The false origin is X = 500,000 and Y = 0.
  • The ellipsoid is Clarke 1966, (a = 6378206.4 and f = 1/294.9786982)

First we start off with declaring an ellipsoid, as follows.

->My_ellipsoid     = Ellipsoid()
->My_ellipsoid.a() = 6378206.4
->My_ellipsoid.f() = 1/294.9786982

Since ellipsoid Clarke 1966 is one of the pre-defined ellipsoids in Noobeed, we can also do the following.

->My_ellipsoid = Ellipsoid()

Next we create a Projection object and set the specific ellipsoid to it.

->P = Projection()
->P.ellipsoid() = My_ellipsoid

Then we set the projection object to Tranverse Mercator by using the function "setTM".


The first argument in function "setTM" is latitude of origin, followed by longitude of origin, scale factor at central meridian, and false origin in x and y.

Now it's time to convert a map projection coordinate to geographic coordinate.

->lat_lon = P.xy2geo(531407.353, 139269.107)
->print dms(lat_lon.x(), 5)
    32 15 20.72951
->print dms(lat_lon.y(), 5)
   254 19 59.99142

The variable "lat_lon" is a Pt2D object, thus we extract latitude and longitude from its x and y member data.  The dms is to convert from decimal degree to degree minute second format.

We can check the result by convert the latitude and longitude back to the map projection coordinate, as follows.

->XY = P.geo2xy(lat_lon.x(), lat_lon.y())
->print XY
  ( 531407.353 , 139269.107)

The following is another example of Noobeed program to plot the projection of latitude and longitude lines.  They are drawn on an Image_uch object, "A", which is finally saved as a TIF file for visualization.

/ proj is a "Projection" object, set as an orthographic map projection,
/ in an oblique aspect, center at lat = 45N deg and lon = 0 deg

  proj = Projection()

/ range of latitude and longitude being plotted
  lat1 = -90
  lat2 = 90
  lon1 = 0
  lon2 = 360

/ range of x y map projection coordinates being plotted
  min_x = -10000000
  min_y = -10000000
  max_x =  10000000
  max_y =  10000000

  no_row = 500
  no_col = 500

/ A is an "Image_uch" object for output, its size will be 500 x 500
  A = Image_uch(no_row, no_col, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)

/ Generate two matrices, containing latitude and longitude values
  Lat = Matrix()
  Lat.lingen(lat1, lat2, 10)
  Lon = Matrix()
  Lon.lingen(lon1, lon2, 2)

  n1 = Lat.ncol()
  n2 = Lon.ncol()

/ ** now plot the projection of LATITUDE lines
  for i=0, n1-1
     lat = Lat(0,i)
     lon = Lon(0,0)
     pt1 = proj.geo2xy(lat, lon)

     for j=1, n2-1
       lon = Lon(0,j)

       pt2 = proj.geo2xy(lat, lon)

       A.drwline(pt1.x(), pt1.y(), pt2.x(), pt2.y())
       pt1 = pt2



/ ** now plot the projection of LONGITUDE lines
  for i=0, n2-1
     lon = Lon(0,i)
     lat = Lat(0,0)
     pt1 = proj.geo2xy(lat, lon)

     for j=1, n1-1
       lat = Lat(0,j)

       pt2 = proj.geo2xy(lat, lon)

       A.drwline(pt1.x(), pt1.y(), pt2.x(), pt2.y())
       pt1 = pt2



Here is the result, "plot_orthgph.tif".


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